Python Projects

Learn Python programming in hindi simpe step by step and make cool projects using python with me.




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Course will be in Hindi

#1.1 Chatbot using Python | ML based Chatbot

#1.2 Chatbot using Python | ML based Chatbot

#1.3 Improve your Chatbot | Chatbot using Python | how to make Chatbot speak

#1.4 Python Chatbot project | Speech Recognition | Making chatbot listen you

#2.1 Create a calculator using tkinter | how to create calculator using python | hindi | part #1

#2.2 Working with Scientific Mode | Create a calculator using tkinter | Hindi | Part #2

#2.3 Add more features to our calculator | python tkinter | hindi | part #3

#2.4 Python text to speech || Integrating Audio with calculator | Audio Calculator |

#3.1 - Create Youtube Downloader using python | Simple steps to create youtube downlaoder

#3.2 - Quick start Pytube module python | Create Youtube Downloader using python

#3.3 - Create Complete GUI using tkinter | Create Youtube Downloader using python

#3.4 - Applying Multi-Threading | Showing Percentage in YouTube Downloader | hindi

#4 Python Speech Recognition | voice to text in python | command to computer | hindi

#5.1 Message Sender using Python | Python Mini Project | Hindi

#5.2. Creating GUI | Message Sender using Python | Python Mini Project | Hindi

#6. Coronavirus: Live Data Tracker App with notification using Python in Hindi clone using Django in 1.5 hour | hindi

Complete Youtube Downloader | Python | Pytube3 | 2020 | Tkinter | HINDI


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!! Happy Coding !!


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