Microservices using Spring Boot

This course is designed to provide an introduction to the concept of microservices in Hindi. It will cover the basics of microservices architecture, including its benefits and drawbacks, and how it compares to traditional monolithic architecture. The course will also delve into the practical aspects of building and deploying microservices, including best practices, tools and technologies. By the end of the course, participants will have a solid understanding of microservices and will be able to design and implement their own microservices-based applications.




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Features of this Course

30 + Quality Videos

1000 + Enrollments

5 out of 5 Students Reviews

Course will be in Hindi

Lets start Microservices Tutorial Series 1

Why Microservices Microservices Tutorial 2

What we are going to build to Master Microservices Service Registry Microservices Tutorial 3

Lets Start Creating User Microservice Microservice Tutorial in Hindi 4

Complete User Microservice in one video Microservice Tutorial in Hindi

Creating Full Hotel Microservices with PostgreSQL in one video Microservice tutorial series 6

Complete Rating Microservice with MongoDB in one shot Microservice Tutorial in Hindi

Implementing Service Registry using Eureka SERVER Microservices Tutorial

Implementing Service Discovery Client Microservices Tutorial in Hindi

Implementing Service Discovery Client in Hotel Microservice Microservices Tutorial in Hindi

Implementing Discovery Client in Rating Service Understanding Microservice Communication API

Microservices Communication How USER SERVICE Communicate to RATING SERVICE Microservices Series

Calling Two Microservices Together Microservices Tutorial Series

Removing Host and Port of Microservices Microservices Tutorial in Hindi

Using Feign Client Microservices tutorial Series

Free Source Code Update Microservices Tutorial Series in Hindi

Feign Client POST PUT DELETE Http Calls Detail video with Practical Microservice Services

Lets understand API GATEWAY with Example Microservices Tutorial in Hindi

Implementing API GATEWAY in Simple ways Microservices Tutorial Series

API Gateway configuring multiple url of microservice Microservices tutorial series in hindi

Config Server in Microservices Microservices Tutorial Series in Hindi

Implementing Config Server in Microservices Microservices Tutorial Series in Hindi

Reading config from github Implementing config client microservices Microservices Tutorial

How to handle if microservice is faulty Fault Tolerance and Circuit Breaker Microservices

Implementing Circuit Breaker using Resilience4J in one shot Microservice Tutorial in Hindi

Rate Limiter in Microservices What is Rate Limiter with Example

Implementing Rate Limiter using Resilience4J in microservices Microservices Tutorial Series

Securing Microservices with Spring Security and OKTA AUTH Understanding Workflow OAuth JWT

OKTA Configurations Creating Account Groups Peoples Application Microservices Tutorial


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!! Happy Coding !!


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